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26 关于 python 调用 zabbix api 接口的自动化实例 [结合 saltstack]


这两天一直做一个叫集群配置管理平台的自动化项目,写了有 20 多天了,项目做的还算顺利,只是一堆的接口需要写,有点烦。因为 clusterops 项目到最后肯定是要和监控平台做结合的,这两天也抽时间看了下。以前自己也写过不少类似 zabbix 的接口调用教程,当时看的时候,由于时间有限,也都是草草跑 demo。

请大家多关注下我的独立博客,更多的关于 zabbix 二次开发的话题,http://xiaorui.cc

zabbix 的接口挺好理解,任何的程序都可以写,甚至是 linux 的 curl 命令。我这边用 python 的 urllib、urllib2 来搞的,当然会 php 的就更好了,因为 zabbix 的接口是 php 写的,懂 php 可以直接用现成的。

zabbix 官网有大量的接口,你只要会用 zabbix,然后看下 api 的说明,应该就没啥问题了


获取 KEY

!/usr/bin/env python2.7 #coding=utf-8import jsonimport urllib2 # based url and required headerurl = "http://monitor.example.com/api_jsonrpc.php"header = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} # auth user and passworddata = json.dumps({    "jsonrpc": "2.0",    "method": "user.login",    "params": {    "user": "Admin",    "password": "zabbix"},"id": 0}) # create request objectrequest = urllib2.Request(url,data)for key in header:    request.add_header(key,header[key]) # auth and get authidtry:    result = urllib2.urlopen(request)except URLError as e:    print "Auth Failed, Please Check Your Name And Password:",e.codeelse:    response = json.loads(result.read)    result.close    print "Auth Successful. The Auth ID Is:",response[\'result\']  

获取 hostlist

 #!/usr/bin/env python2.7 #coding=utf-8import jsonimport urllib2 #xiaorui.ccurl = ""header = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} # request jsondata = json.dumps({    "jsonrpc":"2.0",    "method":"host.get",    "params":{"output":["hostid","name"],"filter":{"host":""}    },    "auth":"dbcd2bd8abc0f0320fffab34c6d749d3",    "id":1,}) # create request objectrequest = urllib2.Request(url,data)for key in header:    request.add_header(key,header[key]) # get host listtry:    result = urllib2.urlopen(request)except URLError as e:    if hasattr(e, \'reason\'):print \'We failed to reach a server.\'print \'Reason: \', e.reason    elif hasattr(e, \'code\'):print \'The server could not fulfill the request.\'print \'Error code: \', e.codeelse:    response = json.loads(result.read)    result.close    print "Number Of Hosts: ", len(response[\'result\'])    for host in response[\'result\']:print "Host ID:",host[\'hostid\'],"Host Name:",host[\'name\']  


 #!/usr/bin/env python2.7 #coding=utf-8import jsonimport urllib2 #xiaorui.ccurl = ""header = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} # request jsondata = json.dumps({    "jsonrpc":"2.0",    "method":"host.create",    "params":{"host": "","interfaces":[{"type": 1,"main": 1,"useip": 1,"ip": "","dns": "","port": "10050"}],"groups": [{"groupid": "2"}],"templates": [{"templateid": "10087"}]},    "auth":"dbcd2bd8abc0f0320fffab34c6d749d3",    "id":1,}) # create request objectrequest = urllib2.Request(url,data)for key in header:    request.add_header(key,header[key]) # get host listtry:    result = urllib2.urlopen(request)except URLError as e:    if hasattr(e, \'reason\'):print \'We failed to reach a server.\'print \'Reason: \', e.reason    elif hasattr(e, \'code\'):print \'The server could not fulfill the request.\'print \'Error code: \', e.codeelse:    response = json.loads(result.read)    result.close    print \'ok\'zai  

原文: http://rfyiamcool.blog.51cto.com/1030776/1358792

我个人觉得 zabbix 的 rest api 难点在于 key 相关的认证,会了之后,再看官网的 api 文档就一目了然了。


在我的集群平台下,我可以把暂时下线的服务器,在平台上去除,但是大家有没有想到,你要是吧主机删掉后,监控端会有一堆的通知发给你,所以,在处理主机的时候,顺便调用 zabbix 的接口,把该主机的监控项目给删掉。

在我通过 saltstack 添加 lvs 后端主机的时候,我也同样可以调用接口,把后端的主机相应的监控都给加进去。


本文出自 “峰云,就她了。” 博客,谢绝转载!